Hartey Wealth Management

9-11 Salop Road, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY11 2NR

Average review score of 4.9 from 145 customer reviews

"Put my interests into a local approachable family firm."
Anonymous, 3rd May 2024


At Hartey Wealth Management our qualified advisors are committed to offering impartial and unbiased advice to all of our clients, covering the entirety of the financial services market.Our aim is to help retirees and successful business people understand the risks they are taking, help them realign this with the scale of risk they are willing to take and protect their downside. Aside from this, we do our utmost to add to your wealth and ensure you and your family can live the life you desire.The fee structure we use is calculated as a percentage of the assets that we manage, not on individual transactions that we enact on your behalf.We promise not to charge fees to switch funds internally on investment products.Hartey Wealth Management benefits from managing your money properly rather than profiting from moving it between financial products or funds, as had become unfortunately quite common in our sector.Hartey Wealth Management conduct two postal reviews of all accounts per year, plus a minimum of one face to face review.With a number of factors influencing the value of your estate and therefore the bill hitting your beneficiaries, some comprehensive calculations are required in order to best manage your affairs upon your death.Speak to us at Hartey Wealth Management about your needs and wishes both now, in life, and in death.

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